'Am preparing them for marriage' - 45-year-old man who was caught sleeping with his Daughters (Photo)

A 45-Year old man of Magoye district in Zambia was yesterday reportedly caught having sex with his own biological daughter.

Enock Mweene a father to seven children was in the habit of  allegedly sleeping with his own biological daughters and nieces when they went to visit, and when caught by the wife who called people in the community to come and witness the act, Mr. Mweene admitted having sex with his own biological daughters and relatives charging that he was preparing them for marriage.

According to eye witnesses, Mr. Mweene and his three daughters have been having sexual activities for more than two years since 2015.

“We are shocked with this man, rumors were all over that he is sleeping with his daughters, till today when we witnessed it, he was right on top of his second daughter” a source said.

And when the community started beating him up, Mr. Mweene confirmed that he was sleeping with his three daughters charging that he was preparing them for marriage.

“I am preparing my daughters for marriage; this is my move to prepare them for marriage. Don’t beat me up”- pleaded the man.

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