AAU Admission Processing Procedure For Newly Admitted Students 2016/2017

inform all admitted candidates that theprocessing of admissions for 2016/2017 academic session has since commenced. Consequently, all admitted candidates are to payall relevant fees: acceptance fee and tuition fee to enable them obtain their matriculation numbers online.
All admitted candidates are to follow the guidelines for the processing of their admission as detailed below:
Please, find below steps for processing of admission:
Step 1:Check Admission Status…..
Step 2: If admitted, Pay Acceptance Fee.
Step 3: Start Clearance.
Step 4: Check Clearance Status.
Step 5: If Clearance Status shows ‘CLEARED’, proceed to Payment of School fees (for automatic online generation of Matriculation Number), Hostel Accommodation fee e.t.c.
Step 6: Register your courses.
At the completion of the payment of all relevant fees and online generation of matriculation number, all admitted candidates are to submit their files containing the following to the Faculty Officer at their various Faculties:
-Copy of their e-admission slip.
-Copy of their verification/clearance page.
-Copy of their online-generated Matriculation number page.
-Copies of the University receipt for all relevant fees paid online.
-Copies of all relevant credentials.
Students are advised to collect their University receipt for Acceptance, Tuition and Hostel Accommodation Fee from the University Faculty Accountants attached to their Faculty.
All admitted students are to visit the University’s web site at www.aauekpoma.edu.ng and portal at https://aaue.waeup.org for further details on the guidelines for the processing of their admissions.
Please note that the deadline for the processing of all admissions and the payment of all relevantfees is Thursday 15th December, 2016.Admitted students, parents and guardians are to be guided by the above information.

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