STORY: My Dirty Friend Cynthia Part 4 (18+)

A story written by Dan Chucks , (… If you missed part Three yesterday read it HERE!!!

Fortunately, there never appeared to exist any form of ice between us.”Hit her hard”, Cynthia instructed. I did. Somewhere around Udak’s navel. But on doing so, I purposely nudged into Cynthia’s crotch on getting my hand up. She made no comment. She kept smiling”Ohhh! I will deal with you girls oh!” Udak was obviously helplessCynthia located the poor girl’s thighs and began to grab on the skin. It should definitely hurt some measure. I wasn’t really still interested in Udak. My interest was on the beautiful Cynthia. I openly stretched my hands and placed them on her Bosom again. Udak wasn’t seeing this, as my back was blocking her from doing so. Cynthia reacted by pulling herself further back. Causing her Bosom to stay off my reach suddenly. I was slightly disappointed but I dragged myself closer to her. And this time, I embraced her, bringing my lips to hers. She smiled but twisted herself off my embrace and hurriedly made it off Udak’s body. I couldn’t explain why.”Say sorry little silly!” I heard myself saying. Obviously salvaging the awkwardness of the situation. Cynthia had embarrassed me.”Am sorry!” Udak was happy to scream from under my Buttocks”Say it again naughty!””I am sorry”. She was desperate. Cynthia was standing at a corner smiling.”I want you to say, I am sorry my Mistress.” I wanted to be stubborn, after all that was my natural self”I am sorry Mistress”, she had surrenderedLike a bird, I easily flew off her body. I heard learnt a thing or two at least.That very day continued with several other happenings that began suggesting that my body has now adopted a state of unquenchable longing. Irrespective of the fact that Cynthia had already shown signs I should have interpreted as clear disinterest, I unfortunately still yearned to have s*x with her. In fact, other girls in the dorm had all now noticed the recent partnership that was suddenly being built as they openly starred at us each time the three of us walked around school together. I wasn’t really surprised about this because I expected no one to believe that I could ever have anything to do with a lesbian. But here I was, completely sucked up by this phenomenon! I wasn’t a lesbian. I was bi. I still loved my boyfriend Tunde. And I still loved his Joystick. But I had seen Cynthia and had seen her Kittycat. I sure was going to suck on that snatch someday. I was dead sure. Udak was another factor. Up till this moment, it still appeared that she wasn’t aware of whatever that was happening between myself and Cynthia. I was always worried about her finding out as she was going to take it as the greatest demonstration of abject hypocrisy. She should still be thinking that I was still the same girl who had always said a lot of ugly things about girls who sucked other girl’s pussies even though we all were friends with Cynthia. She must be accepting that my friendship with Cynthia was utterly as a result of her being friends with the beautiful girl and also probably because I sure dint know about Cynthia’s lesbian history. How wrong she was after all.The next S#xual encounter I had with Cynthia was just before myself and Udak left for dinner that same day. Cynthia had first said she wanted to go have a quick bath before accompanying us to the dining hall (she usually did not take dinner with the school). Then Udak talked about needing to go return some hangers she lent to a friend of hers. When I heard that, I sensed it was another opportunity to be left alone with Cynthia so I quickly told Cynthia that I wished to join her at the bathroom. Udak never seemed to have a reaction to this, instead continued with her affairs. However, Cynthia took note of the likelihoods and began to reflect this in her countenance at once. I wasn’t going to look at that so I quickly undressed and the both of us began walking to the bathroom together. A bucket of water in-between us. Needless to explain how the entire dorm kept their eyes on us! I even heard the loud murmurs and jeers from some of them. It only left a tingle in my quickly drenching Kittycat.On getting to the bathroom, I bothered less to consider how hasty it looked as I went straight for Cynthia’s body. I began to kiss her lips while my hand located her Kittycat from under the towel she was tying across her beautiful body.”Not here Dannie” she was obviously not in the moodI kept on kissing her, sucking up her entire lower lip into my mouth and literarily chewing the soft meat”C’mon baby. We came to bathe. We might be caught””With the door closed?” I wondered. No one could ever hear us from their own cells.”Not just that. We can’t just do this here baby”, she was pulling away”Why? What’s wrong with this place? This is an opportunity for us. Udak isn’t here, u know”, I struggled to convince while still staggered by the fact that she was refusing my advances. This was a girl who was noticeably seducing me the previous”I don’t know. I just can’t do this here!” She meant it.I went furious in an instant! How dare her refuse me? Daniela of all girls! Did she really have an idea of who I was to all the girls in the school? Did she even know that I could ruin her stay in her new found dorm? I went crazy!”Nonsense!” I heard myself howl out as I vehemently threw her towel that had collected into my palm, straight into the bucket of water before me! I was completely lividShe dint make a move. Instead, her heart somewhat looked like it skipped a bit! She must have thought I was going to fight her. It was right on her face and she was yet to stare into my face since I got angry.”You can bathe alone all you like”, I shouted again as I vigorously pulled the cell door open and began to run-walk back to the dormitory. As I did so, my heavy Bosom heaved while my nostrils kept flaring endlessly. I had allowed myself to be shamed! If only I had kept to myself. If only I had remained with the other group that never ceased seeing no sense in being in love with a fellow girl. If I had done so, I probably wouldn’t have fallen to this new low. I was very certain that I wasn’t continuing with this. Cynthia was either going to cease being a lesbian around me or completely relocate beds. I was sure I was going to make her choose one of those!By the time we all had returned from our evening prep, it was very obvious to anyone who cared that I just dint want to keep seeing Cynthia anymore. Udak had even asked me on two occasions if there was any problem between the two of us to which I gave a resounding no but that didn’t stop her from being continuously suspicious. Cynthia on her part was doing well in playing unruffled as she never had any reasons to cross my path yet. This even made me more cynical as I really needed an opportunity to show her how bad she had hurt me. Unfortunately, such opportunity never appeared. Instead she kept relying on Udak for every of her little needs, thereby making me more and more irrelevant. How enraged that really left me! It was not until bedtime that I began to sense a somewhat different body language and approach from her. Most of the students had gone to bed while those who were still up kept getting set for sleep. I had climbed up to my bed and as usual got my eyes fixed on the Further Mathematics textbook I had with me. It wasn’t about studying and doing well in class but just a great deal of effort from me to make sure I could not to be drawn into Udak’s and Cynthia’s rants under my bed. And not so quite long, I heard them call on Bimbo; the girl who slept on top of Cynthia; just right beside my own bed. She returned their call and went down to meet them. After seeming to speak with them in hush tones, she returned back up and began gathering her bed cloth and duvet. I began getting concerned now. What was really happening. I had to ask her.”Are going to sleep outside?” I thought that was the only explicable reason for what she was doing”You mean me?” she asked still picking up her things”Yea. Are you feeling hot?” my attention had left my book now”Not really. Cynthia wants to sleep up here.” It was like an exploding bomb in my ear!”Cynthia? Where will you then be sleeping?” I struggled not to give any kind of attention to the name”I will be sleeping on hers” she was ready to move now.”But why?” I was sincerely worried now”She is reading a novel and wants to finish it tonight so that she can return it tomorrow. Light hardly gets to her under there. Since I just want to go to bed, it isn’t bad if we swap”I went dumb. I dint say a word again and Bimbo dropped to the bed under hers. I was rightly convinced now that I smelt fish. Was she coming up to beg for what had happened? Was she trying to make up? I really thought about a lot of things. She could also be seeking to seduce me like before and how funny that would be because I was sure I would have nothing to do with a girl sexually again. I had experienced enough insult to take a stand.Barely three minutes after Bimbo left her bed, Cynthia climbed into it. I remained fixed to my book and barely showed signs that I noticed her. I only caught glimpses of her from the corner of my eyes and that was the only way, I got to tell that she was wearing a see-through night gown. And she had nothing underneath. She lay in the opposite manner in which I was lying so that her legs were now at the end where I had my head. This also meant that other girls walking around the dorm hall could only see her head and hair. It was going to be a tough night, I thought.”Am going to bed Dannie”, Udak called from under my bed”Goodnight sweetie”, I replied her.She said same to Cynthia, albeit making me fume with jealously and Cynthia wished her sweet dreams too. I sighed after this, obviously to tell her how I despised her. Funny enough, she didn’t utter a word or a sound making me even more aimless with my seeming vengeance. I was now backing her but how I wished I could turn and leave her a hot slap across her face.


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