STORY: My Dirty Friend Cynthia Part 2 (18+)

A story written by Dan Chucks , (… If you missed part One yesterday read it HERE!!!

I quickly followed. I was gradually making it down from the bed now even though I was a bit astonished as to how I had already given her a nick!”It’s fine sweetheart. I will go for it.”As she said those, she hardly made any effort to move towards the spilled detergent. I was almost half way down and only needed a little support; likely from a nearby object; in order to complete the drop. However, things did turn awkward when that needed nearby object turned out to be Cynthia’s body. And not just that, I ended up giving one of her Bosom a real firm grab as my feet struggled to find the hard floor! She gave out a suppressed gasp, but quickly bent over to pick the pack of detergent, thereby flashing her smooth Kittycat at me again. When she made it straight up once more, she grabbed one of the towels hung over a cupboard door nearby, turned to smile at me and then hurried out of our bed corner. I remained there, completely shaken and with the spilled detergent right at my feet. But when I later made attempts to catch another glimpse of her as I couldn’t resist doing so once more, I only managed to find her wrapping the towel around her Unclad body while still scurrying towards to the dorm door. This was exactly when I felt, I needed to see her Unclad Kittycat again.I didn’t get to have that chance until it was dinning period. Being a School Prefect, I was required to be at the dining hall for organization while the students got served their food but when I realized that leaving the dorm could only mean not seeing Cynthia again until after Prep-time later at night, I chose to ignore the responsibility. I was being hugely influenced by the presence of one girl. And rightly yes, she only returned into the dorm when most students had left for the dining hall. I had done several meaningless things to feign being busy although I was aware of how massively my body exuded desperation and excitement, all in one. In fact, I left my bed on top and descended into Udak’s bed. All because I wanted to make sure I was as close to her as possible when she returned. Udak on her part, had earlier returned to the dorm to pick up her cutlery for the dining and wasn’t going to stop telling me how busy her day had been. She had assisted Cynthia (who she couldn’t tell the whereabouts as at that moment) in getting water for her laundry and bath. And then, began carrying out some instructions from certain teachers; she was a School Prefect too. All I could say to those was “what can we do?”, obviously more interested in seeing her friend Cynthia more than herself. However, by the time Cynthia returned, I had already started getting impatient. Seeing her made me smile at myself inwardly as I secretly wondered when she was going to change from the towel she still wrapped around herself. I couldn’t actually believe all those were happening to me. I couldn’t explain if it were Cynthia getting all these feelings out of me or whether I had had it inside me all my life. Only suppressed by my stubborn imposing self. I couldn’t tell all these! I just understood that I had suddenly developed a softness and longing to have the beautiful girl around me. I had observed a hunger to see her Unclad grow within me barely a couple of hours after I had met her. This just couldn’t be because of some S#xual chemistry as I bluntly refused to accept I was having any form of attraction towards her. Instead I accepted it to be just a casual appreciation for her attractive body. Remembering that she was only appearing to be my worst enemy barely a few moments back, made it only funnier. A lot eventually seemed to stem out from here.”You dint go for food?” she caught me a bit unawares. I was lying on my back in Udak’s bed starring aimlessly into my book”Not really. I am not hungry”, that was not exactly the truth. I was somewhere in between. “What about you?””I only take lunch with the school.” She had raised one of her legs to rest it on the frame of Udak’s bed. Her bare thigh became exposed through the slit formed on the towel tied around her chest. My eyes located the revealed flesh with ease.”Really?”, I still had my eyes engaged”Yea. I usually make my breakfast and dinner myself. Will you like to have Cornflakes with me?”, she had a hand on that exposed lap and was seeming to scratch. As she did so, she gradually traced the length of the thigh, moving deeper towards her crotch.”Well…uhmmm…..” I was obviously blown away by this lewd display. Having already let my eyes linger on the Unclad flesh so much, I could hardly help but trail her scratching fingers as they dropped deeper into her crotch”Okay. I will be making for you too”, she was happily saving me from my most obvious embarrassment even though I hadn’t given her any answersI only smiled feebly. Quite mortified. She then went for her cupboard and began putting things together for the flakes. The thigh that had been revealed all this while, still refused to be concealed. It shot out from the opening formed on the towel and that kept my eyes really busy. To make matters quite worse, I began to notice my cunt wet. I couldn’t just believe this was happening to me and when I pressed my thighs together, I mysteriously felt something like a very mini orgasm, swell within me. Quite unbelievable! Just from seeing a fellow girl’s bare thighs?”Here it is, you can use this spoon”, Cynthia was already on the same bed with me. I had been to lost to notice her climb in. She was facing me and had her legs, apart. Her nakedness were only concealed by the folds of the towel.”Will I be eating from this plate too?” I asked, noticeably surprised. It wasn’t that it was not a common practice within the dorm but doing it with Cynthia was an entirely different story”Is there anything wrong with it?” she had this feigned look of amazement on her face. She obviously knew what she was doing. I could easily hear my mind asking if this was how she usually seduced all other girls that had fallen victim of her charm!”Well…not quite. Okay, it’s fine.” I was now lowering my spoon into the bowl to take my first dollop”How is it?” she asked, grinning and displaying a set of cute white teeth which I couldn’t help but observe.”Wow….Mmmmm. It’s nice”, I managed to say. nodding my head and trying to chew the softened flakes I had in my mouth”Thanks honey.” She said. Taking her first dipMy eyes dropped again to see if the fold blocking my view of her crotch had moved but still found it there. I was feeling pissed about it.”Will you be observing the prep after dinner? I would want us all to read together” she had this glowing sparkle in her eyes. I felt so drawn to her person”Sure sure! That will be nice”, I was melting within me. This couldn’t just be happening to me”Wow! Udak is aware of this already. So once she comes in, we will leave together.” She had another dig of the flakes just after I had done so”That will be cool”, I dropped my eyes again. But just like before, the fold was still inhibiting me even though I could now see a part of her crotch. I wasn’t sure, but it looked like one of her outer lips. I swore to myself as I really craved to see her bare Kittycat again!”I will make coffee for the three of us” she caught in. This made me return my gaze to her face. And when I did, I found her looking at me. She had caught me starring into her slightly open crotch. Too bad!”Really?”, I fluffed. Another new high in the streak of embarrassments I had witnessed that evening.”Yea.” She answered very briefly. But as she did, she adjusted her weight unto the right side of her body. As a result of this, she raised her left knee up to secure balance and guess what? The all powerful folded tip of the towel that had been my obstruction all along, dissolved out and right before me was her cleanly shaven bare Kittycat! I was trapped!I still had my eyes on her face and she had her eyes on mine too. She had brought her spoon to her mouth and was seductively liking the liquid milk out of it. We both were saying nothing. I desperately needed to drop my eyes again to see her now exposed Kittycat, but I couldn’t just tell how I could do so with her looking straight into my eyes. As though the torment was not enough, she began to spread the leg in question further apart forcing all the ends of the towel that had did a lot in concealing some parts of her thighs, to collapse completely. At this point my Tips were so erect, poking into my day-dress shirt. My juices, flowing freely. My panties half-damp with my wetness. I never doubted that she must have had a sniff of my smell at that point. I was completely loose and the silence was even so heavy for me to bear.However, after a long period of resistance, I let my eyes drop! I couldn’t bare it anymore and I never cared if she watched me do so. I let it drop. And when it did, I was rewarded with the most enticing view you could ever wish for. Her Kittycat was slightly spread and I could see so much of her juices collecting at the entrance of her opening. She was equally aroused and her clit which had found its way out of its fold, was saying so enough. I pressed my thighs together, I just needed to counter the sensation I was having. I was dying softly.”Any problems Dannie?”I heard her break the long silence”Not at all.” It was when I replied that I noticed the several beads of perspiration that were forming on my forehead.”You are sweating. Should we open the window over there?” She pointed at the window behind me but while doing so, one of her legs mysteriously made its way in-between my legs. I was obviously going to stop her since my thighs were clenched together”No need. I will be fine”, I found myself feigning oblivion of what was going on”That’s okay then. This people will soon be back from their dinner” I sensed the urgency in her voice. Her leg was still travelling up and soon, it was just my closed thigh that was her problem”Yea.” That was all I could say, as I found myself spread my thick thighs for her.In a moment, her slender foot located my damp panties and her big toe rested on my cloth covered clit! I was very slippery there and little motions on the tiny knob sent incredible sensations all over my body”Ohh…” I heard myself whimper as I bit my lips hard and pulled the bed cover. The feeling was simply amazing!”Any problems, sweetheart?” she asked from nowhere”Nothing honey! Just don’t stop”, her toes had pushed the cotton material out of the way and were now kneading the swollen mound! I leaned back into the pillow behind me and shut my eyes tightly”Don’t stop what?” she queried furtherWhat the F**K was I expected to answer her?! I did not utter another word. Instead, I kept whining endlessly. She had buried her entire first toe into me now and I was flooding the big club with stream after stream of my sticky nectar!Without shame, Cynthia brought her right hand to her Kittycat, and right before, began to play with herself. She inserted about two fingers and began to F**K herself with them. This got me even crazier and when she bent her toe to locate my g-spot while still inside me, I exploded!”Dannie?!” I couldn’t believe she could still talk. “What’s happening to you?””Just don’t stop Cindy!” I heard myself screaming! I hoped no one else within the dorm heard me as I thought I was going to blow up”Stop what honey? I don’t understand”, she had made it two legs now. One foot pumped my soaking dripping cunt while the other massaged my burning clit!”Don’t stooooooooooooppppppp……” I wasn’t in this planet anymore”Don’t stop what? I can’t get you girl””Ohhhhhh gawddddd!!!”, I had tears running down my cheeks”What’s wrong baby?” she was deliciously cruel while equally s*xy**! I loved her like I will love a boy, there and then; pointblank!”Am gonna cuuuuuuuuum!! Ohhhh!! Please hold me!” I was shivering with a kind of eruption I never knew was possible! And before I could take hold of the situation, I found myself squirting the entire place with my juice. It was so intense that for a moment, I thought I had passed out!Cynthia on her part kept laughing hysterically and at some point, leaned forward to drink some of the clear liquid my Kittycat was shooting into the air. She ended up drenched. From hair to her mid waist! I was stunned by the outcome. I had never been made to feel this way in my life. Let alone from a fellow girl.I was well tucked inside my duvet when I later opened my eyes that day. I saw myself peering into the face of Udak.


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