Crazy Reasons Women Moan During Sex

Who knew?!

Not for those who easily blush, the noises women make during s3x was the actual subject of a research study.

Researchers refer to s*x noises and or gasm screams in much more scientific language: copul atory vocalizations. The question they wanted to answer was whether the noises a woman makes during s*x are voluntary or a reflex, or consequence of org asm.

You have to wonder where researchers come up with these questions.
The researchers were interested in exploring the relationship between s* xual vocalizations and org asm. Their primary question was whether such vocalizations were an involuntary reflex of org asm (or associated with org asm), or whether they were independent of the act of reaching cli max.

They recruited 71 s *xually active, heteros exual women from the local community with a mean age of 22 years old, and administered a questionnaire asking the subjects about their vocalizations during s *x.

Consistent with prior research, women most often reported reaching org asm during mast urbation or self-manipulation, and secondly by manipulation by their partner. Oral s *x was the third most likely way to achieve org asm, followed by the way women least frequently achieve org asm: penetration by a man. Women in the study reported they most often experienced an org asm during fo replay.

Surprising to some, the answer was no. The researchers found that a woman’s vocalizations occurred around the man’s org asm, most often just before or simult aneously with male eja_ culation.

The researchers theorize why this may be, saying, “The data clearly demonstrates a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing org asm and making copulatory vocalizations, and indicate that there is at least an element of these responses that are under conscious control, providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behavior to their advantage.”

According to this study, whether they know it or not, women appear to vocalize during s *x — not to express their own enjoyment, but to help the man reach cli max.

This is keeping with the idea that we all have s *xual scripts in our head of our idealized s *xual encounter and what we believe our partners want:

Another study said, “Both men’s and women’s perceptions of their partners’ ideal duration of for eplay and interc ourse were found to be more strongly . to their own s *xual stereotypes than to their partners’ self-reported s *xual desires, suggesting that people rely on s* xual stereotypes when estimating their partners’ ideal s *xual scripts.”

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